Prenatal Resources

Welcome to Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome Family Connect.
This page is dedicated to giving parents, family, or loved ones some information about Down syndrome and resources for during pregnancy. Whether you have received an official diagnosis or not we are here to help and share information with you.
During your pregnancy there can be so many thoughts and fears running through your head. Things are uncertain about your baby's future which leads to worry and concern. However, find comfort in knowing that only your baby will determine what his/her strengths and limitations will be in life. Each person with Down syndrome is an individual and can reach great potential. There will be challenges along the way, but through therapies, medical care, support, and encouragement people with Down syndrome can live happy and fulfilling lives.
We want you to know we are here to help. We have families that have been in your shoes who are ready to support you. Call 208-716-6504 to be connected with a mom or dad from Eastern Idaho, through our First Call Program, that can relate to your feelings and help you process what you are going through.
Below is a description of Down syndrome, some national resources about prenatal testing and other topics, and service we provide. We have a lot of information to share so if you have any questions please call (208-716-6504), email, or click here and send us a message. We are here for you.
Description of Down Syndrome
Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of the 21st chromosome. Typically, a person has 46 chromosomes in the nucleus (center) of each cell in his/her body. With Down syndrome a person has 47 chromosomes in the nucleus of each or some of his/her cells. In the United States, approximately one in every 700 children is born with Down syndrome.
Due to the extra 21st chromosome, each person with Down syndrome can have varying health, learning, and physical differences. Some of the most common medical issues with Down syndrome are heart, vision, intestinal, thyroid, and ear, nose, and throat issues. Down syndrome can cause low muscle tone which can make fine motor, gross motor, and speech more difficult. However, with therapy and diligent medical care, many of these issues can be resolved or significantly improved.
People often have misconceptions about Down syndrome from stereotypes in the past. However, we are happy to inform you that babies, children, and adults with Down syndrome are able to live fulfilling and meaningful lives. Current medical advancements and therapy opportunities have left the sky as the limit for individuals with Down syndrome. People with Down syndrome can walk, talk, go to school, work, vacation, and enjoy many other parts of life. People with Down syndrome write their own stories and can live inclusively in their communities.
Down syndrome starts at conception and nothing the mom or dad did or did not do causes Down syndrome.
The chances of having a baby with Down syndrome does increase as the mother's age increases, especially after the age of 35. However, mothers under the age 35 can have babies with Down syndrome as well.
*information gathered from the National Down Syndrome Society, National Down Syndrome Congress, and Global Down Syndrome Foundation print and website materials
National Resources
The National Down Syndrome Congress has a great page for expectant parents.
Here is a booklet they have that explains prenatal testing.
“A Promising Future Together”, written for new and expectant parents.
Resources We Provide
EIDS Waiting for a Diagnosis Booklet 2020
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