One of our goals is to support, educate, and inspire families that have children with Down syndrome.
Here are a few testimonials some of our members have written.
If you would like to write a testimony for us to add to this page please go to contact us and send us a message with your testimony and we will add it to this page!
As a young mom, I never imagined having a baby with Down Syndrome. I took the quad screening, had multiple ultrasounds and all the tests came back negative. About a week before my previous daughter arrived I received call from my OB/GYN, stating that he saw some subtle signs that could be Downs. We were sent to a genetic specialist, and he advised that he didn't see anything that is to out the ordinary. After our little Jemma arrived 3 weeks early, the pediatrician stated that he too thought she might have Downs. After a week long of many tests and the unknown floating in the air, the call finally came saying that she did indeed have Trisomy 21. We were set up with many programs to help with this new transition blessed upon us. One of which was the Eastern Idaho Down Syndrome family connect, they contacted me and came over to my house. She showed up with a huge purple basket, chuck full of information and gifts. It ranged from baby wipes to books on how to manage to an adorable onesie saying "my extra chromosome makes me extra cute." I was informed on what this program does and was invited to events/meet and greets. Not once was I given the sympathy eyes, I was greeted with glimmering eyes and a willingness to give information. I learned things I wasn't aware of and was taught ways to help my little one succeed. The opportunity to speak with someone who not only understands but knows what it's like was eye opening. From then on , I was able to tell people my beautiful girl has Downs, yes she does and I'm proud to say it. The support from the Down Syndrome community has been astounding and I will forever be grateful for their help and support.
- Raquelle Lund , Rigby Idaho
I will never forget my husband coming into the hospital room holding the little girl I had just given birth to and telling me "they think she has Down syndrome." What??? There's no way!!! We had the blood test done and it came back fine, we had so many ultrasounds and nothing was ever detected. I'm not over 35, and neither me or my husband know anyone with Down Syndrome. That whole day really was a blur and I went through so many emotions, shock, disbelief, heartache, loss. Then I thought about my four-year-old daughter who is at home waiting for us to give her the word so she could come up and meet her new little sister that she has been wanting for so long. How do we tell her? What do we tell her? When do we tell her? We knew at this point that we did not know nearly enough about down syndrome to even begin to tell her. In the weeks that followed we went home we read the books we did the research and began to really understand what this diagnosis meant. My sister told me that she had a friend that has a little girl with down syndrome as well and that she wanted to come and visit us. I was excited to meet somebody else that had a kid with Down syndrome. Rochelle came over to my house and brought me some things, among them was a book called "We'll paint the octopus red." My husband and I sat down with our daughter and read the book to her. Then she asked us "do I know anybody that has Down syndrome?" We then told her that her little sister does. This just opened up such a conversation with so many questions and we were just really able to talk to her about it. She couldn't love her little sister any more then she does and she is so proud of her and tells anybody that will listen that her little sister has Down syndrome!!! She has been such a blessing and truly is the light of our lives!!! ~Cassie

The basket of information and goodies that I received from you guys right after I had my son helped me so much. But what helped me more was being able to talk to the actual people in the group, like Mary and Rochelle. The same day that I called and talked to Rochelle, Mary showed up at my house and that was the best. To have people so on top of welcoming me to the foundation and willing to help out in so many ways meant so much. The books in the basket were awesome.
Thank you, Kaydin Schwartz